Headline Viewer News
Latest news and information about Headline Vieweren-us2004-05-12T23:41:45-08:00New version, new features
We have just released a new version of Headline Viewer. This version has a couple of exciting new features I want to tell you about. The first is a popup blocker. Since we started working with the integrated browser in...News & Updatesbpaul2004-05-12T23:41:45-08:00New preview release
There is a new preview release of Headline viewer in the download section. We are really excited about this version. It has all the major features for 0.9.8 including a built-in browser. It looks great (see screenshot below) and works...News & Updatesbpaul2004-03-06T12:18:55-08:00What's happening at Headline Viewer?
Headline viewer is being revived... Many things have changed in the world of news syndication since the last release (July 2001). Things have also changed here at headlineviewer.com; we are under new ownership (SeventhWave Software). Over the last few months...News & Updatesbpaul2004-02-26T20:27:08-08:00Got Comics?
Tapestry is a service by dwlt.net to provide RSS feeds to all your favourite comics. They have a list of 16 so far including Dilbert, BC and Peanuts. Check it out at: http://dwlt.net/tapestry/...New Providersbpaul2004-02-19T17:11:18-08:00Some recent feeds
The BBC are now supporting RSS directly. See: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/help/rss/3223484.stm Build your own RSS news feed at NewsTrove: http://newstrove.com/cgi-bin/CustomRSS.pl...New Providersbpaul2004-02-19T13:48:13-08:00